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Showing posts from October, 2018

Crisis Management: Apple's Response to Customer Findings

Whether a product recall for an automobile company, or corporate wrongdoing dumping oil in a lake, consumers wish for firms to be honest, forthright, and transparent in all their communication to the public. In Apple’s case, they are certainly in the business of building a reputation and creating trust. This must be done in an ethical and transparent manner to best serve your client or company’s interests. The basic equation for Apple is: The more positive news the corporate PR team generates and the better it manages the negative stories of issues and crisis situations, the greater the chance the company can increase sales and revenue, engage stakeholders, and serve the market successfully. This may sound simple, but as any experienced corporate communicator  or business person can attest, it is far from simple. To “solve” this equation the corporation must be skilled, ethical, honest, as transparent as possible, and accountable to both internal and external stakeholders. ...

A History of Apple: From A Garage in California to Worldwide Success

Chances are you would see multiple devices with the iconic Apple logo if you venture in to a university classroom, company boardroom, or even just walking down a New York city street. The Apple brand has become synonymous with innovation, prestige, and performance since its  inception in 1976. But what is Apple Inc. all about today? Their focus has shifted from strictly computing to creating and selling all forms of consumer electronics and online services. Gone are the days of the late Steve Jobs era, and with new management come new opportunity in the consumer electronics industry today. Brief History of Apple Apple Computing, founded in 1976 by college dropouts Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, started with a vision to change the way people viewed the computer. Starting with their first ever product, the Apple I computer, the pair developed and sold the device from Jobs’ garage in California. This was unlike the computers we know today, without a case, keyboard, or monitor....